Day 1 // 18th August 2018

Celina Wong Synn Rui
Second one from the left
I arrived at KL Sentral expecting nothing. Will the people there be friendly, outgoing or quiet? I was quite worried as I do not know anyone there. I would say that this is the most diverse group I’ve met. There are people from different races, ethnics, religion and even nationality. The ice breaker games really broke the ice between all the Archis and facilitators. I felt really open to do all sorts of actions and had a great time with all my new friends. We really bonded very well. The discussion session was very deep. I was able to share my perspectives with my group. I was also able to be exposed to very different perspectives and opinions. The discussion was about 'Ask and Offer' - I realized that I’ve been only focusing on 'Ask' all the while and never actually thought of what I’m able to offer. The first day ended well and I’m looking forward for the activities ahead.

Satish s/o Theyagarajah Mohsen Rezaie

Teresa Lau Zi Yu
First one from the left
Drop-off at KL Sentral Air Terminal yesterday! It was a pleasant surprise to finally see the other participants and the organizers of UWC Short Course. I was taken aback by the many different ethnics, races and backgrounds. It is truly multi-diverse! We took the bus to the campsite and began with fun icebreakers to get everyone energized and get to know one another. Coming to this camp has enabled me to meet many people from Sarawak to Saudi Arabia.
In the evening, we also did discussions and sharing. It was great to hear everybody’s opinions and ideas. I am happy and grateful to have gotten chosen to come here. I can’t wait to see what the UWC organizers prepared for us in the next 6 days.

Kogulan s/o Balan
First one from the left
Yesterday, I got to know my new friends with different backgrounds. We were given a golden chance to mingle up and introduce ourselves to each other. During the night, we discussed our Asks and Offers, the community agreement and signed it. As a conclusion, it was a great kick-off to start our UWC Short Course Camp!